Adrenaline Customs - Custom Powder Coating - White Bear Lake MN - (651) 373-2997 - Email

Powder Coating

Contact Adrenaline Customs

If you would like an estimate, please use the free estimate link. Give us as much detail as possible about your project including color requested and dimensions. Photos are always a help and encouraged. Questions, please give us a call or text. Click here for a FREE Estimate.


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Visit, M-F 8:30 am-5:30 pm

1744 Commerce Ct. White Bear Lake MN, 55110

Powder Coating Warranty

While powder coating is extremely durable it isn’t bullet proof, it is susceptible to scratching or chipping from intense direct impact. Adrenaline Customs will warranty the powder coating from workmanship errors for 1 calendar year from customer pickup. We are not responsible for product abuse, neglect or scratching. Only clean the powder surface with dish soap and water.

Thank you